To ask Patricia Jones, M.A. a quick question, please hit the payment button below and make a small payment of $45.00 via the PayPal Button.  It will also allow you to pay with a major credit card as well.  After you have made payment, return to this page and hit the  Ask your Question  button below. Patricia Jones will respond to your quick question within 24 to 48 hours. 

Quick Question Instructions
Here are some examples of some short questions:
Dear Patricia Jones: 

I have been married for three years, and it is obvious that my mother does not like my wife. I can deal with that, but I'm becoming increasingly upset by the way Mom behaves around both of us, and keeps expecting me to side with her.  I know that my wife should come first and ... 

Mike ( Omaha, Nebraska )

Dear Patricia Jones: 

My husband is addicted to the computer. He waits until I go to bed, and then gets on it chatting with people in chat rooms for hours. I know he is chatting with other women. What can I do to make him stop this? It is affecting our marriage and I am getting more and more depressed and feel ...

Cathy ( London, England )

Dear Patricia Jones  

My husband and I have been married for 20 years. Our children are grown and out of the house. I thought it was going to be a very romantic and rewarding time for both of us, but I am discovering that we have nothing in common anymore.  I feel so alone and I know that my husband is ...

Anne ( Boston, Mass.)

Dear Patricia Jones: 

I am planning to marry the love of my life in June. "Steve" is a terrific guy, except when it comes to my 10-year-old son "Jason" who resents Steve and keeps acting horribly whenever Steve is around.  Steve is beginning to have second thoughts ... 

Sara (  Kailua, Hawaii )

Dear Patricia Jones:  

I have been married for three years now and I thought I had married the most wonderful man in the world. He was sweet, attentive, kind, and very affectionate. But in the last year he has become a different person. He verbally abuses me, watches my every move, isolates me from my family and friends, and is very controlling. He has a very mean temper, which I never saw when we were dating and he throws things at me, bangs doors, and last night he actually hit me. I just don't know what I am doing wrong to make him act this way. I am so depressed and spend most of my days ....

Bev ( Nashville, Tenn.)
Patricia Jones, M.A.
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